More than ever, there is now a dire need to be prepared in predicting, preventing, detecting, and responding to disease outbreaks. We envision a Global Epidemiology Platform that keeps us ahead of the trajectory using advanced technological derived insights.
The International Pandemic Preparedness Centre (IPPC) is a revolutionary digital platform envisaged to coordinate multiple-level communications and create strong inter-sectoral coordination among stakeholders, multi-agencies and multidisciplinary cooperation and collaboration required for the prediction of outbreaks, pandemic control, and mitigation. A subsidiary of AINQA HEALTH Pte. Ltd., this unified platform will aid countries in managing populations, save lives and livelihoods, and support the economy through a global data surveillance system. The global surveillance covers:

1) Prediction, detection and prevention of infectious disease – endemic, epidemic, pandemic, and sporadic outbreaks
2) Antimicrobial resistance (AMR)
3) Bioterrorism
WHO is IPPC for?
The unprecedented COVID-19 wave across the globe was relentless, causing even the most advanced healthcare systems to buckle under its pressure. To date, there is no signs of COVID-19 slowing down. Millions continue to be contracted with the virus, many of whom will fall sick and be hospitalized. Hospitals are being managed by exhausted physicians, nurses, and healthcare providers, who are burnt out with overwhelming patient numbers and deaths. The vaccine - the much-awaited elixir - will not immediately change that, and this situation will continue in the following months or even years. Even then, COVID-19 is not the first pandemic that had caused global destruction, and will not be the last.
WHY is IPPC important?
Although there exists an outbreak preparedness effort among countries and a range of organizations, institutions, systems, and other tools involved in infectious disease surveillance, the quality, and consistency of the data produced could in many ways, be further improved to the point that countries can collaborate and share data on a secured platform. Monitoring and evaluation under a consolidated platform is the key to establishing and maintaining effective surveillance and response systems. An updated strategy is needed to address continuing health security threats, prediction of evolving threats, re-emergence of old threats and global health security coordination.
HOW does IPPC work?
IPPC’s products and solutions serve to address current existing gaps that will enable decision makers to track and monitor all information related to infectious diseases within the country and around the world, with the aim to assist countries, agencies, policy makers and businesses to plan their responses in advance. Preparedness is key in dealing with outbreaks to prevent widespread infection and cross border transmission.

WHEN will IPPC be made available?
The time-to-market of IPPC is apt in providing a holistic solution for countries ready to prioritize preparedness. This window would avail IPPC an opportune moment to enter, build traction and scale globally; a window which was deprioritised before the calamitous arrival of COVID-19.