Healthcare for all, leaving no one behind.


National Stack

AINQA’s National Health Stack is the enablement of an all-encompassing comprehensive infrastructure where the intent is to embrace a meaningful, single source of truth-based health ecosystem.

Provider Ecosystem

Our transformative thinking will enable the Provider ecosystem to operate no longer in isolation but in close association with its community, ubiquitous interaction within/across the industry.


AINQA’s Payor platforms of solutions and services intends to enable and uphold the characteristics of a real-time, accountable, efficient and transparent provider-paymaster ecosystem.

Platform Economy & MedTech

The Platform Core and Collaborative Labs propel ideation and deployment of transformative economies that can disrupt the future of healthcare industry by bringing ideas, partners and smart services in a hyper scalable environment.

Our Services

Technology Platform

Powered by business innovation, an empowering platform that combines intent and intelligence to make organisations digitally caring using human-centric approaches.

Medical Innovation

Delivering a comprehensive womb-to-tomb solution that caters to the common man and their immediate healthcare needs.


Driving AI Towards Human Intelligence.

Health and Wellness

Human care at the right time, right place.

Core Team

Dedicated and specialised doctors, engineers, epidemologist, economists & healthcare professionals.

Digital Care

Right Care - Right Service! Right Place - Right Time!

Together, a better future!  Ready to step into the future of well-connected healthcare?