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    AINQA / Mind Body Soul Health  / World Suicide Prevention Day: Creating Hope Through Action

    World Suicide Prevention Day: Creating Hope Through Action

    The commemoration of World Suicide Prevention Day falls on Sunday, September 10th. The theme “Creating Hope Through Action,” serves as a reminder of the power we hold as individuals and as a unified community, urging us to recognize that there are always alternatives to suicide. It emphasizes that through our combined efforts, we can cultivate resilience and prevention.
    According to WHO, more than 700,000 lives are lost to suicide every year worldwide. Suicide prevention should not be a burden shouldered by one but a shared responsibility. We can all do our part; our actions no matter how small, can be life changing. A kind word, a listening ear, a simple gesture of support can offer hope to those in the depths of despair.
    Let “Creating Hope Through Action” be more than a theme; let it be a call that resonates within each of us, inspiring meaningful change, and lasting hope.
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