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    AINQA / Technology  / Predicting and Preparing for Childbirth with AI

    Predicting and Preparing for Childbirth with AI

    Artificial Intelligence (AI) is paving the way for numerous breakthroughs in healthcare. Amongst them is to predict premature and caesarean births, empowering healthcare providers to improve outcomes for mothers and babies, providing families with peace of mind during this critical time.
    Premature births can result in serious health problems for new-borns, including respiratory distress syndrome, developmental delays, and cerebral palsy. Caesarean deliveries carry their own set of risks, such as infections and respiratory issues. Using AI algorithms will enable providers to detect signs of complications early on and make informed decisions about appropriate interventions.
    These algorithms are capable of analysing medical records, vital signs, maternal age, prior births, medical conditions and other relevant information in a matter of seconds, saving healthcare professionals valuable time and resources. It can alert doctors to potential complications and allow for timely interventions that can improve pregnancy outcomes. The ability to accurately predict premature and caesarean births could also reduce the number of unnecessary medical interventions, which can improve maternal and baby health while reducing healthcare costs.
    While research is ongoing to develop and validate AI-based predictions, the potential benefits of AI-assisted obstetrics are clear, and it is exciting to see how this technology will be used to improve mother and baby health outcomes in the future.
    AINQA’s software is designed to empower healthcare organizations to manage and analyse large data sets and exchange information in real-time to support informed decision-making.
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